Thu 02 Jan
$100$ Incall only special!! Pick 1!!Ask about our 2girl special!:) - 19
(Miami, Biscayne blvd..we waitin on u:))
:)$$$$$$$$outcalls only miss stella out calls only $$$$$$$ :) - 21
Out W/The Old 👆👇 Come See The🆕🆕🆕🌴🌸Exotic Ebony🌺💎College Girl Ready To Please 💋🌹 - 19
(Ft Lauderdale, Davie & 27th INCALL SPECIAL!)
♔ Ȏncℯ In A βℓuℯ Ɱꝏƞ Ϻiℓƒ🌠🌙✩ ♥ ♡ 🍑Ultimate Elite Mature Goddess 50+ - 50
(City of Ft. Lauderdale, Ft Lauderdale, North Broward area)
Oh MY! The Ultimate\Double UR Pleasure/Experience! Two Erotic Playful Vixens!! READY NOW!! - 25
(Eastern NC, Morehead City {Incall} Monday 8-24)
-:¦: S -:¦:- U -:¦:- P -:¦:- E -:¦:- R -:S -:¦:- E -:¦:- X -:¦:- Y -:¦: -HaZeL OutCaLLs - 23
(Raleigh / Durham, North Raleigh)
Early Bird Special * * H "O *T * * * M*A*T*U*R*E* * * * B "L*O*N*D*E * ° * ° * ° * °* °* °***** - 38
(Eastern NC, Wilson In/Out)
$%$%$ Temporary yours %$%$%$%$ 100 SPECIAL $%$%$%$ 617*596*7022 - 26
-:¦:- SeXy iN -:¦:- eVeRy WaY -:¦:-34dD -:¦:- 100 inCaLl LaSt DaYs iN wOBuRn - 24
(Boston/Camb/Brook, WOBURN)
(¯`'.¸ (¯`'.¸ SeXxY YoUnG EbOnY *::70::* InCaLlS AvAiLAbLe RiGhT NoW ¸.'´¯) ¸.'´¯)
█ REAL (Certified) Massage █
(Beautiful incall near south station)
♥$PECIALS♥ (Y_O_U_R )♥ (G_O_N_N_A)♥ (L_♥_V_E_) ♥(J_A_D_A_) ♥ 857-615-7612 - 23
(Boston/Camb/Brook, InCalls/Outcalls Boston & Surrounding)
Melissa💠 CiCi______ SONIA💠 NANA ______ Miaki💠Lily ____out with the old, in with the young (and hot) - 22
(Honolulu (Oahu), 1750 kalakaua ave)
💸M~F 10a~6p! $60 KwiK ViSiT!💸 MaKe uR ☁iNcReDibLe 💫🌜💫 DreAm☁ An🌟Un4geTTabLe MeMoRy!🌟 - 28
(*❄E~WinZer*❄*$60 KwiK ViSiT*❄*E~WinZer❄*, Hartford)
💋☆Ρrεttվ Gírℓ ♛Bοοτվℓícíouδ♛ 💕☆••☆💕╚» Tíghτ 💕 Ρíηκ & Jυícվ. 💦 ╚»🌟 100% ALL ME 🌟💕 - 30
(Austin, South Austin- Ben White)
Finish off your year with something special, FunWithKaylee... 727-608-0215 incall only - 45
(Largo, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
Good Things Come in Small Packages: Busty, Sensual and Eager to Please - 30
(All Over Austin, Austin, Downtown)
beautiful blonde waiting for you SPECIALS - 22
(Hillsborough Co, tampa /brandon area off falkenburg road)
NeW NeW NeW_ JUST ARRIVED_ Russian Blonde MODEL Type (347)- 737 - 7190 - 20
(Brooklyn, Kings Hwy (incall))
60$$$$ LATE NIGHT Specials 48DDs 100% REAL & SATISFYING MOMENTS with Mz Caramel Delight - 24
♥ ♥ ~~London's back ~~ ♥ ♥ Sweet n Petite ~~ Call Now $incall - 22
(Plainfield/Leonard-in/out 24hrs)
Highly🏆📄Reviewed Upscale👑Playmate Experience🌟My 💋Watering💦 Mind💨Experience I★Am★All★You★Need! - 24
(Omaha, Omaha and surrounding areas)
60/80/170Early bird special... (( ★SiMPLy AMAZiNG ★)) __*1OO% REAL*__ SPECIAL - 19
(East Valley, Upscale Mesa Resort specials....)
««««$100 special»»»»» Tall Petite Treat.. Brazilian beauty hot hot hot - 18
(East Valley, Scottsdale incalls only)
100$. holiday speical.... very sexy,, long legs im tight wet and ready 480 544 8348 - 19
(i/c sottsdale and 202)
➔➔╠╣0T • Naughty ____________N@KED _______________ ALWAYS fun ! __________ ALWAYS___ ╠╣0T➔➔ - - 38
(Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix, PHX, Phx North, West Valley)
❤ ▄▀▄▀▄▀ BE OUR Playmate BOYTOY greetings from Mistress Morgan AND Miss Mariah ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄▀ - 23
(Philadelphia, 19111 / Burholme/NE)