Mon 27 Jan
StopPP!!!RARE breed! SUPER HOT 🔥 Super BUSTY ( )( ) Asian mixX... Avail NOW! - 25
(New Orleans, French Quarter/CBD OUTCALL)
♥* (((Sexy Chocolate Mocha In Town))) __♡♥♡♥__ [[GoRgEoUs]] __☆★☆★__ (((GrEaT RaTeS))) *♥* - 18
L✪✪K EXoTic beAuTy *•.❤️* ▒▓•❤️•❤️• UPSCALE★ PLAYMATE!! •❤️•❤️•❤️▓▒. *❤️.•* READY N✪W *•.❤️ - 21
(San Fernando Valley, San Fernando V.Outcall only)
✨ San Leandro Incall ~ Ex0tic Native beauty *Morning SPECIALS | GREAT REVIEWS *1OO% Me Or FREE!! 💋 - 19
(East Bay, Oakland, 💓 San Leandro & East Bay Outcalls 💓)
** **Miss Jade .. Your Sensual Exotic Bombshell .. Super Sexy with AMAZING Curves** SPECIALS ** - 22
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Upscale Waterfront Incalls / Outcalls)
▐▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 【 NEW 】【 HOT 】 【 LATINA 】【 ‼️1OO SPECIALS‼️】❥▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▐ - 20
(Manassas✨✨✨✨✨✨, Northern Virginia)
*°*°*ThIcK blonde hazel eyes DDs big booty curvy sexy & FuLl Of sKiLls*°*°* - 35
(San Gabriel Valley, Covina- inc:LA, LB, SGV, OC, SFV, IE)
💘💘💘💘 Outcalls Only ☎ 415-738-2314 👙 Busty 👙 Sexy 👙 💘💘💘💘 Chinese Girl 💋Ada💋 ///// - 23
(City of San Jose, East Bay, Oakland, Outcall Only, San Francisco, San Jose / South Bay)
OUTcALLs❤ ❤ ❤ SoO NaSty bUt ClaSsY ExOtiC mIxEd AsIaN Playmate OuTcAll$$ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤90$$ - 21
(East Bay, outcall 247 all surrounding areas)
◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆On fire 24/7 hot young blonde ready to party Vegas style!◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇ - 18
(East Bay, Outcall only)
+*+Exotica Medio *Puerto Rican* & Medio *White*- Juicy Booty Bella+*+ - 23
(Ventura, 101 fwy/seaward..ventura)
💔💔╚» ╚» ♥ YOUR #❶ CHOiCE ♥ «╝ «╝ ☜ Caℓℓ Mє! ☎ _❤ 💯%REAL❤× {✔#❶♥* FuN & FℓirTy} 💔 - 22
(Memphis, memphis tn)
*:.♥ :*¨¨*:: -----> XXX T R E M E L Y ~ B E @ U T I F U L ! *:.♥ :*¨¨ - 21
(your place or mine)
█💎█▓█▓█▓█ Y_O_U_R🎂 █▓█▓█▓█S _E_X X_Y 🎁▓█▓█▓█▓█L_I_T_T_L_E █▓█▓█▓█▓█ WHITE S_E_C _R_E_T ▓█▓█▓█💎 - 23
HONEY BuNCHES OF OATS real pics 65 SPECIAL 850*524*4078 bluntstown high rd - 23
(Tallahassee, Tallahassee bluntstown incalls ONLY)
♡♥♡Upscale Perfect Companion Cinderella♥♡♥ call 9013032051 $100special - 22
(Memphis, EastMemphis,Downtown,Bartlett,Jackson)
♥★♥♥★ *Delicious Curves* ★♥♥★ Kinky ★♥♥★ Classy ★♥♥★ Available now 😘😘 ★♥♥★ - 21
(north Monroe 💕 near i-10 ext. 199, Tallahassee)
💕💋 Exotic 💋💕 ViSiTor ★💕 Sexy 💋★ Amazing skills 💋 Call Me 📞☎️ I Will Answer - 20
(Cleveland, OuTCaLL In CaLL East & West ☎️ Call Me)
Vanessa💜💋🎆 New n Town 🎆 💙 Exotic... 📞 For my early weekend specail🍻 - 21
(Oklahoma City, incalls, outcalls)
💜💋💖💋💜♥ █ L€T Me 💋 FiNiSH WHÂT 💋 Y0UR €Y€S 💋 STÂRT€D █ 💜💋💖💋💜 - 23
(East Bay, Fremont Newark Incalls only)
LQQK!! • Most Exciting InCaLLs ⭐ YOUNG 🇦🇸🇮🇦🇳 🇧🇪🇦🇺🇹 🇮🇪🇸 +1OO% Pics 😜 Come Relax!! - 24
(East Bay, ❤️ 1OO% Fun ❤️ Fremont ❤️ Union City)
•☆*:• [ ExOTic BLONDE hOtTiE ]*• ☆¨*:•VeRy SexXy •☆*:• NEW & AVAILABLE ** - 21
(Northern Virginia, Fairfax near fairoaks mall-incalls)
Baby☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰ HOT ASIAN ☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰ NEW GIRL☰☰☰☰☰2 0 2 – 7 6 6 – 2 7 6 5☰☰ NO 1 ASIAN ☰☰☰☰ Super Sexy - 21
(DC VA MD outcall2 0 2 – 7 6 6 – 2 7 6 5, Northern Virginia)
While it rains Come to my place and Play...! Todays Special $ 150 - 33
(Austin, 183n @ between duval & braker)
B O M B S H E L L ===== NEW ===== 1OO %GUA R ANT D PLA SURE - 26
(Crystal City)
✘✘✘ WARN!NG ✘✘✘ : ✰ EXTREMELY FUN ✰ : ( (=BoOTY FUL=) ) BLONDE vixXeN iN AvAiLabLe NOW!!! - 24
(Austin, Domain)
VISITING IN or OUT!! Juicy Booty Ebony Goddess ♡♡$pecials alll NITE!♡♡ - 22
(Austin, South, South Austin In or Out i35 & ben white)
×°x°× HOT GiRL × °x°× 1OO% REAL ×°x°× outCaLL × °x°× 90. SPECiALs!!! ×°x° - - 25
(Austin, Late night Outcall Special)
* * * * SMoKiN' -- HoTT * * * * { DROP DEAD GORGEOUS } * * * *BLOndE BaRBiE * * * - 25
(Tacoma, ne.tacoma.browns point/federal way)
[×❤×] AZZtronomical AZZets [×❤×] AZZmans [×❤×] DD VANILLA Dream [×❤×] - 29
(Northern Virginia, Springfield VA INCALL **UP LATE!**)
AMaZinG HoTTiE With Green Eyes, a Slender Figure, and Delicate Curves - 21
(Northern Virginia, Outcalls Only)
small BBW cute && chocolate big breasted fun all in one package available now !! - 19
(Tacoma, tacoma / lakewood wa)
*&*&*&*&* Outcall Only 202-787-3964 *&*&*&*&* ~~~~~ Sexy Asian Girl Grace ~~~~~# - 21
(Northern Virginia, Outcall Only)
HOT Alexa/Ivy Available For Men, women, Couples... Open 24hrs @ The Studio 813-933-4411 Now Hiring! - 23
(1053 west Busch blvd Tampa go 33612, Hillsborough Co, Tampa)
---------» DIANA wants to make your BIG ol' (B A N A N A) disapppear. (videol) - 21
(North Austin - Wells Branch)
------- **° *° SUPER *° *° SEXXY *° BEAUTY *LATINA * - 22 - 22
1 0 0 💎 Well Reviewed . _______ 100 💎 SPECIALS. ________ Available For In xoxo Zoey 1 0 0 💎 - 23
(Los Angeles, lax incall/ Out To Any Upscale Location)
▶Come Party with a Beautiful❤Blonde ♦REVIEWS♦ HAYWARD INcalls↔Available Now. - 22
(East Bay, Hayward)
CH0C0LATE PR1NC3SS {{Petite B00Tyy}} {{K1NKy ATTiTuDe}} FeTiSh FrIenDlyy - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Northridge, Chatsworth, Woodland Hills)
°★° Stunning, Sophisticated, Sexy and Super Na*ghTy ! °★° - 30
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood,)
Concord Mon Tues let's cuddle & kiss - 36
(Concord, East Bay, Fairfield, Milpitas, Mountain View, North Bay, Oakland, Richmond, Walnut creek/Emeryville/Fairfield)
Stress Relief!! SwEeT & PeTiTe FrEaK !! New PriVate Incall!! Upscale ExpEriEnCe ;) - 18
(Austin, 290 & 183)
concord... submissive. love slave... $125..925. 350. 2560..text - 33
Âb§OLut€Ly ]══ ☆° ══[ ÂmÂzInG]══ °☆ ══[ PLÂ¥MÂT€]══ ☆° ☆ [ 1OOO% R€AL - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks, SFV, Van Nuys)