Sun 05 Jan
Mature / Experience a Tasty Treat / Out/Call and In/Call "Private/Central Sarasota" till 8:00 pm - 50
(Sarasota, Sarasota/Bradenton/Venice Area)
The Best Oil Change in Town-Out - Natural Voluptuous not to big or to small just right$ 70 JOY RIDE - 26
(Sarasota, north sarasota)
*+*+*+* Long-Legs, Pretty-Face, Ready4You, 38DD* $50 Specials all night ! Incall Only *+*+*+* - 38
(Sarasota, Bradenton 5th St E & 57th AVE)
📓👙📓👙📓 👙College girl on vacation 📓👙📓👙📓👙 white men only - 23
(Sarasota, Bradenton / Sarasota / & surrounding are)
*{ JUST VISITING}* _ Brickhouse Playmate KimberLee _ *{HIGHLY SKILLED}* - 23
(lakewood blvd & willow off 405)
* Sexy * Hot * Blonde* Special * All * Night * Long * Christina* - 20
❯►❯►♥ 💋 Loving Sisters Playing HERE in Lingerie ♥ 💋 ◀︎❮◀︎❮ @ 💋SECRET SPOT💋 REAL PICs or FREE - 18
(Long Beach, PICO RIVERA - Slauson & Rosemead)
💞💞💋💋💛Beautiful💋💋💛Chanel💞💞 - 20
(Bellflower, Beverly Hills, Carson, City of Long Beach, Compton, Downey, Downtown, Hollywood, Inglewood / Hawthorne, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Norwalk, Pasadena, Santa Monica, Torrance Gardena, Westside)
Sat 04 Jan
-:¦:- _ Give Me A Try..._ -:¦:- _ tHiS MOUTH wOrkS WONDERS_ -:¦:- _SwEeT iN -:¦:- _EvErY WaY-:¦:- - 19
gorgeous Bombshells With Great Specials all night. 👄We will be up all night, so look no further🍒 - 25
(West Palm Beach, Palm beach)
(((((( HOT BLONDE Milf PORN Star exp & Ready to COME over to My Place & Come play with me))) - 35
¨*:.★ .:* YOUR LUSCIOUS Big Booty DREAM 60 incall SPECIAL *:.★ .:*¨¨ - 22
(West Palm Beach, WEST PALM BEACH INcalls secrest lantana)
Still New!!! Super Long and Perfect Legs!! and Sparkling Attitude!! Tracy!! - 40
(Ft Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton -- Way Worth the Trip!)
████ ▓▒░▒▓ 💚🎀💚 NeW iN tOwN 💚🎀💚 SEXY 💚🎀💚 PLAYFULL💚🎀💚 LAtiNA! 💚🎀💚▓▒░▒▓ - 21
(West Palm Beach, Deerfield In/Out)
((( DrEaM ComE TrUe ))) . . . BLondE BeauTY ((( SweeT & PLayFuL* ))) . ModelS Body !!! - 43
(Boca Raton)
Ebony Beauty... up all NIGHT!!! *80 specials* Don't Get Mad... CALL ME - 25
(West Palm Beach, Palm beach)
561-577-8377 - BEAUTIFUL All-American Girl Next Door!!!! !Private, clean, discreet incall.
**1O0 Spcl* TEXAS GIRL. I am Submissive. Get ANYTHING U Want. Call If u r Serious (561) 932 7143 . - 24
(Ft LAUD or WPB all fetish)
120 OUTCALL SPECIALS! 120 OUTCALL SPECIALS! Slim Petite Ebony Bombshell! Real Pics - 21
44DDD• •Beautiful N Sexy BBW• •Loves to Make U Feel Special• •216-245-8743 - 41
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa/Brandon)
Sexy INDIAN& PUERTO RICAN PRINCESS 💋👄💄👑 INCALL SPECIALS! Look& See why I'm all you need - - 22
(Downtown, Midtown)
*((SEXY))* (BROWN) *(HONEY))* ~~100% AdDiCTiVE +FULL (PSE*/GFE*)** ~FETiSH PLeASURES~ ** Real Pics! - 23
((((★____FT LADERDALE ______★)
SeXY BrOWN HoNEY~ ((EXTReMELY BEaUTiFUL))!{ 100% AdDiCTiVE +FULL (PSE*/GFE*)}..~ **Ready 2 PLaY!!! - 23
*Pretty Face* *Exotic Curves* *Very Freaky Girl* *TrUe DeFiNiTiOn Of SeXy* - 24
(Fort Lauderdale In & Out!)
New DESTINY. Type "CROTCHLESS" and u will c MANY NEW PICS like "Mz FETISH" (954) 696 6672.. - 27
(Ft Lauderdale, PRIVATE & CLEAN PLACE not in the ghetto)
Miss Sexy Lexi In Town and Waiting to show you an unforgettable experience - 19
(Ft Lauderdale, Incall 95/Hollywood)
You looking for the xperience?Want a superhot chic that's ? - 30
(Sarasota, sarasota - bradenton - surrounding areas)
~ZOE~ Such Soft Lips That Wrap Around Your World - ****** Moving Soon****** - 42
(Sarasota, Bradenton, Venice)
In/Out 👅💦Thick Girls Do It Better, Biggest Boobs You'll Ever See In Town (727-768-1975) Kayla - 25
(Bradenton, Palmetto, (incalls), Sarasota)
BOMBSHELL BLONDE! HARD BODY ♥ ♥ TOP NOTCH BABE ♥ 24/7 Availability!! - 21
(Los Angeles, Upscale Santa Monica Incall & Outcall)
**** New Latina **** Hot New Pics 100%%%% Real **** OUTCALLS ONLY **** - 22
(Pasco Co, pasco hernando and n. pinellas only)
🎀🦄⭐️ Don't cheat yourself.⭐️.TREAT yourself ⭐️🦄🎀 -Outcall Only - 23
(international drive ,all of Orlando, Orlando)
★★ W€€K€ND SP€CIAL (80).00-incall only + AVAILABL€ - NOW ★★ R€VI€W€D & professiona - 25
(Sarasota, st.rd 64/ exit 220B)
💋 Upscale Outcall 💋 Gorgeous Brunette 💁🏻 Sweet and Curvy 💕💕 - 19
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Out calls only)
♥ Gorgeous Brunette beauty♥ (( SPECIALS )) busty & exotic :::: 6O Incall ♥ Let's PLAY!! - 21
(Long Beach, Norwalk 91freeway Incall)
NEW! in call special HALEY💋NEW pics haley!in call special ..white bubble butt ..100 💋💋 - 22
(Ft Lauderdale, Commercial and 95 my house)
VISITING YOUR CITY !!! hottest jamaican u ever met !!! island princess kali - 22
💋Miss Candy Sweets💋Take @ bite of $w33tness!!! Thick, Sexy & Ready - 22
(Hillsborough Co, Incalls N. Dale Mabry, Tampa)
* * * * * B E A U T I F U L * * * * * B R U N E T T E * * * * * G I N G E R * * * * * 941-879-1450 - 28
! ! ! 100 Speical 100 Speical ( ( SExY EbOnY ) ) 100 Speical 100 Speical ! ! ! - 21
ஐ A Real Sweet CHOCOLATE Treat! Highly REVIEWED! ஐ JAMAICAN Princess!! - 33
(Sarasota, PRIVATE Residential Location: BRADENTON)